Are you deeply annoyed by unruly neighbors’ kids trespassing your yard while you are not home? If yes, you are in good company. Thousands of people confront with the unwanted trespassing by kids, neighbors, and other trespassers. So in this article, we share some useful tips to help keep them out of your property (like yard and driveway) legally.

Table of Contents:
1. Put up "No Trespassing" Sign & Warning Sign
2. Install Motion Detection Surveillance Camera
3. Talk to the Parents in Advance
4. Good Fence Makes Good Deterrent
5. Plant Natural Barriers
6. Get Guard Dogs or Watch Dogs
7. Install a Motion-Activated Sprinkler

When you try to keep annoying trespassers off your property, the information below needs to be noticed:

Your Property Yard/driveway
Unruly People Kids/trespassers
Effective Tool Video surveillance camera
Effective Ways Warning sign/fence etc.

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1. Put up "No Trespassing" Sign & Warning Sign

Some people might say it's futile to stop unruly kids running in your yards by simply posting "NO TRESPASSING" sign or sign of "PRIVATE PROPERTY ".

Of course, it might not effectively stop annoying neighbor's kids or teens from coming over, trespassing, or vandalizing your property.

But it's better than no sign at all.


Because A Keep Out or No Trespassing sign can control access to land by identifying it as private property. Kids or neighbors entering and playing in private lawn or yards without authorization and permission is called trespassing, which may be considered a crime, a civil wrong (called a ”tort”), or both in some countries.

No Trespassing Sign on the Lawn

Under the trespassing law, an individual who sees a No Trespassing sign cannot enter, remain or participate in any activity on a property with this written notice, according to Laws for Posting No Trespassing Signs in Black's Law Dictionary.

No Trespassing sign could also serve as a reminder to unsupervised neighbors' children or teenagers to some extends.

2. Install Motion Detection Surveillance Camera

Installing a smart outdoor video surveillance camera especially a camera with siren & 2-way audio like Reolink Argus 2 is effective to keep neighbors’ kids off your property and deters potential trespassers.

Check out how this little security camera helps keep the trespassers and naughty kids out of your yard, front porch, driveway, and the houses.

The Reolink Argus 2 security camera with motion sensor can send alerts to you instantly when neighbors’ kids, neighbors, or trespassers are in your yard, backyard, or front porch when you have them up on those spots.

Important notes:

When having a security camera on your front door, driveway, and backyard, try to make sure "No Trespassing" signs clearly visible in all recordings on your property.

It helps you to file a trespassing complaint and substantiate payment or repair on the property damage caused by the trespassers.

Another piece of advice is to have a surveillance warning sign (The IP cameras from top security camera brands normally provide such signs in the package) up in your property to remind trespassers, young kids, and neighbors.

For example, In New York, the Video Surveillance Statutes makes it clear that:

"Private property video surveillance is permissible with a ”security system wherein a written notice is conspicuously posted on the premises stating that a video surveillance system has been installed for the purpose of security or video surveillance devices installed in such a manner that their presence is clearly and immediately obvious."

CCTV Warning Sign in the Yard

3. Talk to the Parents in Advance

Once you move into a new neighborhood, you are concerned about neighbors' kids playing outside your house uninvited or running wild in your backyard unsupervised while you are not home.

Before starting a feud, getting super edgy about the nuisance or calling the police, you should try to diffuse the situation by talking to your neighbor in advance.

Talk to Parents about Your Concerns

Knocking their doors and being frank about your concerns as well as acknowledging the big elephant in the house (no trespassing in your private property) matter-of-factly is a rational way to put an end to the nightmare before making relationship sour.

It's important to clearly state your stance on unwanted annoyance, trespassing from kids or any family members, laying out boundaries and clear confusions.

You're taking a hard-line approach, but it's really not their place to argue about it. If they don't care, then you could always take some legal actions.

4. Good Fence Makes Good Deterrent

Many people are grappling with issues of nosy neighbors while at home, petty thieves, trespassers, or naughty kids while away, deeply plagued by consistent disturbance or cut-through into their private-owned property.

The old saying goes "good fence makes good neighbor", erecting a reasonably tall fence will deter mischievous children and trespassers from messing around your yard.

Fence Helps Keep Kids out of Your Property

A fence around the house, close to the sidewalk, in the backyard, or around driveway is considered a reminder of boundary that states which area is private property and which is owned communally.

One advise-giver on Reddit said:

"Build a waist-high fence. There are some really inexpensive decorative ones you can install yourself. I have a split-rail fence all around my front yard. It keeps kids out and as an added benefit, it also keeps dogs out."

Fence to Keep Kids off Your Property

Enclosed your front or backyard with a fence be it a decorative or steel fence would be an effective solution to deter kids riding their bikes in your yard, picking flowers in your garden, and prevent trespassing neighbors.

However, the construction of a fence should be compliant with the local fence law which strictly states the height and regulations surrounding fence-building. Or your overly tall fence will be legally defined as spite fence, a construction rendered as illegal, subject to forced teardown.

5. Plant Natural Barriers

You can grow natural physical barriers around your property, for example, a row of bushes or thorny plants like roses and blackberries to keep the handful mischief-maker out of your private zone and deter neighbor's kids from playing in your yards, for the thorny plants will keep potential trespassers at bay.

Natural Fence to Keep Kids out of Your Yard

Before you jump to purchase artificial fences or plant natural barriers around your house, it's important to consult local government agency to get more information on that matter.

6. Get Guard Dogs or Watch Dogs

Guard dogs or watch dogs work well in protecting your front yard, back yard or house, barking loudly to scare would-be intruders or burglars.

Watchdog to Secure Your Yard

Their sheer body sizes and sharp teeth are a great deterrent to invaders and trespassers on your property be it pre-teens, teenagers or grown-ups. And their loud barking noise will alert your neighbors and passers-by, or possibly your alarm system.

One landowner shares her story, saying "I have a big German shepherd dog with a great big voice. When she barks, people scatter."

There are different dog breeds suitable for guarding your house against unwanted trespassing kids, teenagers or neighbors, for example, Doberman pinscher, German shepherd, Rottweiler, or Scottish terrier.

7. Install a Motion-Activated Sprinkler

Motion-triggered sprinklers are not only designed to water your lawn but also to scare off any unwanted visitors, trespassers, and neighbors, including trespassing kids or teenagers.

Motion-Activated Sprinkler to Keep Kids off Your Lawn

Set these sprinklers up along the perimeter of your lawn or at any specific spot where annoying kids frequently trample your plants and put up a sign of warning.

As teenagers or kids step on the sprinkler, the motion sensors will trigger a quick spray of water which is enough to startle most kids and scare them away.

Before taking these measures, if possible, try talking to their parents first and let them know you don't want any kids or teenagers getting hurt, but you do hope they respect your rights.

44 thoughts on “7 Quick Solutions to Keep Trespassing Kids off Your Property When You Are Not Home

  1. Chrystineu says:

    Yeah – well, that's all fine except... besides it costing the victim out of pocket none of what you have suggested actually stops the problem. What am I going to do... sit and watch videos of my neighbors little vandals in the evening while eating dinner when I get home from work? Yeah, that'll teach em. Talking to the parents of parent-sanctioned badly behaved runts solves nothing. It only puts you in the line of fire for ramped up abuse. I tried it. Got told flat out that they don't give a sh*t what anyone thinks and things got instantly worse. There seems to be a mentality that their kids are the do all to end all and if you even once suggest that their behavior is unsavory then you are the one with the problem. Everything sits squarely on the parents shoulders here. If you can't fix them – don't even try with the kids. I've been forced into a Gandhi approach... I just simply TRY to ignore them. Put up barricades, fences and border plantings. Throw their garbage back in their yard rather than continuing to pick it up for them, Survey my yard for the food they throw there before I let my dogs out. Remind them that 7 months have passed since they last picked up their dog shit and gently remind them that there are laws regarding this.... and then just walk away. I figure karma carries a far bigger stick than I ever will so as painful as it may seem to live next door to these.... people.... I rest in the knowledge that everything they do (or don't do) will eventually come back on them 10 fold. And that brings me great joy.

    • Lisa says:


      I feel your pain. The other day I asked a mother not to put her stroller on the easement grass that my HOA directs me to maintain and to keep her kids off the grass, too, and she took issue to the way I asked. Despite my request, she rolled the stroller over the grass and with her kids, she jaywalked across the street instead of using the corner with a crosswalk. Since we live in the same gated community, these people feel they can designate this particular subdivision as a place to park and walk their kids, so they can avoid school traffic. I have since told my neighbor to use that particular area of grass as a bathroom for his dog for those that are unable to teach their kids how to use a crosswalk.

      • Chrystineu says:

        Rather than also having to live with a dog bathroom on that particular spot – and since you have been charged with it's maintenance... try handing her an envelope containing a letter explaining that if she chooses to continue to utilize that particular area then she is obliged to share in the cost to maintain it. Attach a bill for a not too elaborate amount of money – but enough to make her think twice – and walk away. I'm willing to bet that she will either stop using it – or pay up. Either way you win.

        • Cloris Ellis says:

          Lisa, She doesn't care, won't stop, and will never have to share in the cost – she knows that. She'll never have her dog crap around her own residence. The cost, stench, mess, and nuisance once again, fall on the responsibile homeowner. Uneducated jerks do not respond to polite letters, verbal reasoning, or lawsuits – that's why they're jerks. Been there, done that.

          • Sali Heart says:

            Cover the area in chili pepper (powder, sauce, liquid, whatever, even straight Capsicum spray) so the dog is far less inclined to want anything to do with the spot. It shouldn't hurt them, they should be able to smell it long before they're on it. It also won't damage plants so the grass should be able to bounce back quickly. I'd also check with your local animal control too. Usually they have ordinances about where dogs can be allowed to do their business and will cite/fine violators, especially if you take video and/or pictures and know the persons address and supply them with all of that.

            I'm just surprised that there's an HOA that would cite/fine/fee you over your grass maintenance but not them over their abuse of your grass. Usually what they're doing is viewed as highly citable/finable in an HOA situation. Even more so than lawn maintenance. I've seen people almost lose their home over HOA fines and fees from letting their dog crap on a neighbors lawn. Who enforces the care of your grass? File a complaint with your HOA, that's the point of even having one, they can be more strict than any law enforcement can.

    • Cloris Ellis says:

      I'm with you Chrystineu – Everthing you said is spot-on true. Horrible parents with zero class, zero manners, and the narcissistic entitlement mentality. They don't care and city ordinances are never enforced.

  2. Cloris Ellis says:

    No Trespassing signs, fence, sprinklers, attempting a polite chat – these do not deter unsupervised kids and dogs – they simply ignore signs (probably can't read), and knock down/pull out and destroy fence, shrubs, and sprinklers. They play loud stereo, smoke and drink, and leave their garbage and dog feces in your nice yard. The only way to enforce No Trespass is to use your vacation days to take off work if you can, hire an attorney for thousand$, file a lawsuit, and wait for the response. Because no slob will ever kindly keep it in their own yard, a sheriff will come to your workplace and humiliate you while boss and coworkers stare, wondering what YOU have done. The neighbors will counter-sue (they don't need a valid reason). You'll have to take off work for 2-3 days to prepare your evidence (you better have dated and crystal clear audio-video, a particle of clothing with the trespassers name and address sewn inside it, ample fingerprints and footprints, receipts for the siding they've vandalized, three paid estimates to repair the damage to trees, flowers, property) – YOU must testify or the complaint is thrown out. YOU must attend all court dates – they dont have to. The neighbor can have their attorney continually postpone the court date several times, but YOU still have to take off work and pay all-day court parking fees, sit in line behind dozens of other cases to learn the jerks once again postponed. Evidently, they don't have to notify your atty or the court; they can simply not show up. Be prepared to lose your job throughout the ordeal because this IS a full-time job, and YOU are now defending yourself due to the bogus counter-claims (the video or photos you took as evidence of trespassing are now used against you – they can accuse you of being a predator for documenting their unruly brats and off-leash wild animals while they destroyed your property and lawn. Animal rights will fine you for being unkind to the precious howling dogs who evidently have a right to crap in your yard. Decent neighbors suffer the crimes, toxic smoke, and noise nuisances and will be the only ones to suffer the consequences. Your only recourse is to be wealthy and buy so much acreage, that you can afford shock fence and security guards, to create a little quiet space away from nasty hoosiers.

      • diamondsmiles says:

        The parents of the children who accidentally threw something at my door came here like a lynch mob. They parents are as bad as the kids, who basically told them they can do whatever they wanted. Their attitude was, ´well, he didn´t break anything!´

        • Nick Jefferson says:

          My wife and I are among the very very few who don't have kids, and that's used against us. Whenever I'm working in my garage, all the neighborhood moms huddle together and talk ill will of us. It's refreshing to know that acting decent and respectful doesn't come to all of us so easily. While we don't want to take a hit on our house and lose equity, we only have one life to live and we'll be much happier in a home where we don't have to worry about all the cliques and suburban nonsense.

          • Lorene B says:

            I am an old girl living alone and I have a situation much like yours. Every afternoon, the cliques (I call a conglomerate) put folding chairs along with drink coolers in the street in front of their house. They bring several children and their toys, ages range from new borns, toddlers, through pre teen. They also bring two or three unleashed dogs. The kid's balls roll into my yard and they have to come and get them. The dogs run into my yard and they have to come get them. I have put up no tresspassing signs, but they are ignored.

  3. Junie says:

    Shame so many parents today DON'T PARENT AT ALL. Kids are on the streets until late night. Where are parental restrictions. Why do us ”older” neighbors have to put up with This. Those neighbors and kids stare us down for running them and their bikes out of my yard. Ready to move at 74.

    • Mary says:

      Sorry to hear that!! I have kids myself but I teach my kids to be considerate and I tell them what not to do. But it seems like a lot of parents don't care. They don't want the kids to bother them at home so they tell them to play outside. They never seem to care what their kids do to the neighbors. Shame on them. I hope the kids on your street move so you don't have to.

  4. Mary says:

    I wish I could do all these to keep the kids out of my front yard. The 2 renters on each side of my house are families. Not sure if they mistakenly think that my house is part of their rental, their kids just invite themselves to play in my front yard, not their own front yard. Yesterday, I caught the boys killing my plant. I confronted him and he said that's their plant!! I'm mad but what can I do...

  5. Theresa Darrow says:

    drives me nuts and it's disrespectful. I've had issues like this and still do. I live on a corner lot so ppl love cutting through my yard. Well now ppl will sit under my tree in my yard, I even had a guy drive through my yard with a 4 Wheeler and wait under the tree for his kids to get off the bus. Kids playing in my yard, ppl walk down a private sidewalk by my front door and with walk down the driveway. I've posted trespassing sign that someone ripped down. I've been told f*ck me and my yard. All types of things. I've even had to call the police. I'm so over it!!!

    • Nick Jefferson says:

      I completely empathize with you. When my wife and I initially moved into our home, we thought our neighborhood carried itself with a sense of propriety. Unfortunately, many parents in our area think it's okay to use someone else's property as their own. We're treated as the black sheep of the bunch because we ask kids and adults alike to simply forward a level of mutual-respect for our property. That's what this is about, just being cognizant of your neighbors property and boundaries.

    • Shirley Barrett says:

      We called the police, talked with neighbor,talk to the rental place. Put up serveliance cameras still nothing done.

  6. Maya T says:

    There is 6 neighbor kids that come to our door, pretty often. The one who comes most often is a nine year old girl, who clearly is obsessed with me. As a teenager, I am quite uninterested in hanging out with someone five years younger then me. However, she doesn't care about our age difference. And never gets the hint. She constantly knocks. We have tried not answering, but she has knocked for 40 minutes before. If she has knocked more then 15 minutes, she will run off, and wait by our backyard. Then, 3 minutes later, she comes and knocks, then when someone gets the door, she runs off. It's very annoying. And if you tell her to stop, she won't listen. She won't listen to me, or my parents. She only listens if we tell on her to her parents, but I'm not able to do that. I'm not sure how to get her to stop knocking. She says how it's a waste of time to knock when I'm not available, but she just SHOULDENT knock! If she sees me on the outside island, I want to play. If she doesn't see me outside, I don't want to play. I have tried to tell her but she won't listen
    If you have any advice, please let me know. I appreciate all advice. Thank you!

  7. Blubearyballs says:

    over the years, i've installed trip alarms with the remington shot gun primers. they are very loud in close proximity.
    I'm thinking of wiring up laser pointer controls towards motion, to seem as though they are being targeted by a madman.

  8. Blitzen32 says:

    I have to say, us sharing on these forums, and seeing your complaints that match mine in my own neighborhood, makes me feel not so alone. At some point, we assess if we can handle ongoing issues of disrespect to us and our property, and feel is it us?? Are we making a big deal of something?? But no, it's quite a widening problem. All we want is respect as we give it to others. So all I can say is I surely appreciate this forum, it vindicates us from feeling that we, are not the bad guys....we want to get along, to be good neighbors, but are hampered by the bad guys.

  9. Jose Vasquez says:

    I've been having the same problem I live in a community where we can't add cameras or other additions to the house or the property around us. On the right side of our house there is an open field which is technically public property but there's some kids and teenagers across the street that come over to my side and play football there and whilst doing that they hit my screen windows with their football repeatedly imagine that happening for over 3 months for instance one time my mom went out to tell them that they should go somewhere else to play and these kids are leaning against my house and throwing their trash everywhere so when my mom told them the proceeded to higher up their speaker that they had and ignored her I know I might sound a bit unreasonable but behind their house there is a lengthy field which won't disturb the other neighbors and one house down from them is a same size field similar to mine so why do they have to come across the street to mine? Will accept any suggestions to prevent them from coming again I was thinking of having a sprinkler connected To my house to make the field more muddy but I don't know open to any suggestions.

    • Devi D. says:

      I bought Wyze cameras, $25 each. Don't have the best night vision. Put 1 thru front door window, leave on porch light, I can see FAR. Back yard and driveway, all motion-activated solar lights. Idiot ppl next door, 1st night there, guy just out of prison w/ 7 felonies, pulled them all down, did this 3 times. Then someone broke into our electric box. We put up the cameras and many more motion-activated solar lights (Amazon-no cost after purchase), so any time there's movement or an animal or a freaking rat, on goes motion lights and camera/cameras record and send a 12 sec. clip. Different neighbor called police on our cameras, which are totally legal, they didn't come by. Was so angry about this, I think I'll buy 3 more, aim them right on street in front of her house. Now this was after she tried to break out our front glass screen, windows, b/c ”BLM”. Ok. You don't get to break my things tho.

  10. Devi D. says:

    We have the nastiest ppl ever by us, right near Detroit.
    BF out of prison, 7 felonies. The gf, teen son. 1st night, many pulled down all of our motion-activated solar lights. Just took them off wall, set on ground, didn't break b/c ya know fingerprints.
    I followed that up with 6 more MUCH brighter lights, essentially outside our house is lit-up all night.
    Then ”someone” cut the electric box metal clip off, put on ground.
    So I bought Wyze cameras. They're great BTW.
    Now we got a ”reputation” of not liking kids or we're being touchie or whatever.
    As a one-upmanship, these idiots and all visitors turn around in our driveway, they send the kids to play in our bushes which are right along the sidewalk. They yell, scream, throw their bikes, scooters on our lawn, driveway, and on the sidewalk. Never being watched. New one is standing at end our walk-up, staring into our security cameras, mouths hanging open, screaming top of lungs. Oh, and playing IN our bushes along sidewalk.

  11. Phillip Mulligan says:

    All this advice is great except for the guard dog. They are often more of a liability than an asset if you live in a highly urbanized neighborhood. Guard dogs occasionally can leave a property when you least expect it and attack an innocent person unprovoked with lasting consequences for both parties.

  12. Morena Bauer says:

    Eastpointe, MI – what a joke! Trespassing neighbors, steal packages, broke into our mailbox ON our porch, kids tried to break our security screen.
    Had enough, contacted police, what do we do? We already had #1 & #2 on this list!
    Safety Mgr. idiot said ”Just stay off Social Media”. What? Are you kidding? We don't know any of these people on social media!
    Then same neighbor kept calling cops on US, for no reason, a few times we were asleep.
    She told them, ”They look like they're Racist.” Again, what?
    A lawyer advised make cops do a legal in writing No Trespass. These geniuses refused to do this. I started getting Death Threats, cops did nothing.
    Sure, the ”law” says, blah blah blah. Have fun if you live in an area where the cops, Safety Director, city counsel, Mayor treat it as you're the problem, just by being inside your house. Corrupt as hell.
    Oh, and we have a small dog, she started calling about our tiny dog for ”Looking thin”, after 3 of her Huskies ran away, 1 the Dog Cop got!

  13. Tom Diddle says:

    I get that kids shouldn't play on other peoples property, obviously not okay, but calling thm annoying is not okay. Your an adult, there are better ways to handle that situation than to insult children.

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